Assignmentswelcome To Mrs. Bryan's Learning Cafe

There are 2 Student Café Assignment Questions for you to choose from – you can choose EITHER Question #1 OR Question #2. You do not have to complete both questions.

Summary Report for: 35-9011.00 - Dining Room and Cafeteria Attendants and Bartender Helpers. Facilitate food service. Clean tables; remove dirty dishes; replace soiled table linens; set tables; replenish supply of clean linens, silverware, glassware, and dishes; supply service bar with food; and serve items such as water, condiments, and coffee to patrons. Bryan Adams High School. Charles Rice Learning Center. 7203 Bruton Road, Dallas, TX 75217.

Before preparing for your student café assignment:
1.Carefully read the student café question and the student café assignment rubric on how to prepare your assignment and remember part of the assignment includes responses to other student café assignments.
2.You must use proper APA Style in each of your student café assignments to show evidence of research from the textbook or other credible sources.
3.Your student café assignment is to include an introductory paragraph, a body and conclusion.
4.Citations for information paraphrased from the textbook or other credible sources are required to enhance the overall credibility of your psychological explanations and ideas presented.

Because the field of psychology is based on an accumulated body of research, it is important for psychologists to scrutinize thoroughly the methods, results, and claims of researchers. It is not just psychologists who need to know how to evaluate research critically; all of us are constantly exposed to the claims of others. Knowing how to approach research and data can be helpful in areas far beyond the realm of psychology.

Question #1:

Assignments Welcome To Mrs. Bryan's Learning Cafe Facebook

One of the best ways to learn is by “doing.” Explore the challenges of naturalistic observation by sitting at one of your favorite spots at a café, food court, college or shopping mall systematically observing specific behaviors of others in that real-world setting. Remember to maintain confidentiality.

To prepare for observations:

1. Select an environment to observe

2. Observe behaviours for 30 – 60 minutes – take notes

3. Choose a particular question before you begin. Some possibilities that come to mind?

• Ask questions such as: Why are they here? Are they happy? Nervous? Or Irritable? • Look at their clothes. What do their clothes suggest about them? Are they wealthy or poor? Are they part of a pop culture or sub-culture? • From their style or mannerisms – What do you think this person’s aspirations or job would be?

Please do not feel you have to choose the questions above – pick any questions that are of interest to you.

After observations have been collected then prepare student cafe assignment include:

Assignments Welcome To Mrs. Bryan's Learning Cafe Eat N Park

1. An introduction that includes your psychological outline/position. A psychological position is similar to a thesis statement – it helps me (the reader) to ascertain the purpose of the paper.

2. Location, date and time of where behaviours were observed

3. Description of behaviours observed

4. Conclusion – Include your results. And, based on your experience, list the advantages and disadvantages of this research method.

5. Your responses to other student assignments will be based on discussion about potential hypotheses so that you and your peers have a better understanding of the behaviours observed.

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Question #2:

Find a web site that focuses on an important social issue (urban violence, gender differences in hiring or promotion, cyber bullying, poverty) and locate descriptions of a research study about the issue.

Evaluate the research study by identifying the hypothesis that tested, the research method used to test them, and the validity of the results reported.

Notables: The hypothesis is an unproven theory or statement – in other words an explanation of the investigation to the problem or question.Researchers must also abide by specific standards in conducting research – a code of ethics for objectivity and integrity in research, respect for the subject’s privacy, and confidentiality.Validity determines whether the research truly measures that which it was intended to measure or how truthful the research results are