7th Grade Elawelcome To Mrs. Bryan's Learning Cafe

  • CAHALL 7TH GRADE. 4 Comments Week 8 (May 11-May 15) Math 7 and Advanced Math 7 Learning Target: Digital Learning Review.
  • BRYAN'S LEARNING CAFE: HOME; OUR CLASSROOM; 6th GRADE ELA. 7th GRADE ELA 8th GRADE GEORGIA STUDIES. Knowledge is power! Arming our students with the knowledge needed to create a paradigm shift in their learning processes is my ultimate goal. Knowledge is power! Arming our students with the knowledge needed to.

August, 2019, in the 7th Grade Learning Studio of the Charles City Community School District Middle School, Charles City, IA at 6:15 p.m. The Secretary is also directed to post a Notice to Bidders for the Project on July 30, 2019, with the bid submission date for the con-struction project bids set for August 22, 2019, before 11:00 a.m.

Welcome to Bay HavenCharter Academy

7th GradeAdvance Language Arts

Teacher:Mrs. McCants

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

Welcome or welcome back to Bay Haven.We have a very exciting and challenging yearahead of us!In order to be productivein the classroom, everyone must put forth his or her very best.In order to maintain success, I havedeveloped a few classroom procedures that I will expect all students tofollow.I would like for every studentto keep a copy in his or her binder.

1.Respectothers, yourself, and the environment around you.

2.Cometo class with a positive attitude and PARTICIPATE.

3.Cometo class prepared and on time.

4.Followall school rules including uniform guidelines.

5.Donot speak while others are speaking and raise your hand if you would like totalk and contribute to the discussion.

6.Beginworking on your Journal or writing assignment as soon as you enter the classroom.Do not wait for the bell.

7.Handin all work complete and on time.

8.Thebell does not dismiss you; I willdismiss you.

9.No gum is allowed; only water in the proper containers.

10.Take careof all housekeeping activities (i.e. sharpening pencils, getting extra paper,etc.) before class begins.

The most important policy: DO YOUR BEST EVERY DAY!

Materials needed:a binder, composition notebook, pens andpencils, colored pencils, notebook paper.You will need these materials every day in class.

Texts Used: 1.A SpringBoard textbook will be given to each student.

7th grade elawelcome to mrs. bryan

2.Holt Rinehart Elements ofLiterature textbook (will be kept in the classroom.)

3.ZanerBloser Read for Read (will be kept in the classroom)

7th Grade Elawelcome To Mrs. Bryan's Learning Cafe Eat N Park

4.Variousnovels and poetry throughout the year

7th Grade Elawelcome To Mrs. Bryan's Learning Cafe Facebook

5.Please have a novel with you to read.

(Students may bring a book from home, check one out from theschool library, borrow one from the public library, or borrow from ourclassroom library.)

Homework:Each studentshould purchase a planner the first week of school.Allassignments should be carefully copied in the section for each day’s assignment box and shouldbe completed by the due date.Homeworkis given periodically, but you should be reading in your independent novelevery night.

7th grade elawelcome to mrs. bryan

Hall Passes:Students must usethe hall pass located in the back of their planners.

Absences:Make-up work is the responsibility of thestudent.You are allotted five days fromthe day you return to school to make up all missed assignments.Homework assignments are on the board.Please make sure you copy them. Each studentshould have the phone number of at least two reliable students in the class tocall for missed work.I will do my best to help all students make upwork when they are absent. Students should see me if they miss a test or quizASAP.

Evaluating andGrading:All grades will be postedon FOCUS;I try to uploadall grades on a weekly basis.Thestrands of learning encompass reading, writing, literature, language, listeningand speaking.

Formative grades willmake up 40% and Summative grades will make up 60% of your child’s finalaverage.

Class work 10%, Homework 10%, Quizzes 20%, Tests, Projects,and Essays 60%

Book Project: This is a way for students to get involvedwith reading, analyzing and evaluating many types of literature.Research shows that for students to becomebetter readers, they must READ. Please encourage your child to read each evening.

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Daily Challenges (to be completed the first 10 minutes of class each day)
  3. Grammar Assignments (mini grammar lessons covering conventions)
  4. Writing assignments
  5. Research projects/presentations
  6. Reports (various formats: digital, role play, etc.)
  7. Reading (in and out of class, covering all genres)
  8. Cooperative learning assignments (usually done in class; students are graded individually)
  9. Literature assignments (novel studies, short stories, poetry, fiction)
  10. Quizzes/Test (Tests are more complex and involve more critical thinking skills.Tests will cover longer literature selections, literary terms, writing concepts, and background information on authors and times periods)

Note to Parents: Ihave a classroom library of young adult novels that I allow students to checkout.Most of the books have been donatedto my class; consequently, I have not read them all.I am not aware of any offensive readingmaterial, but again, I have not read each one.

Parent/Student Agreement Form

For: ClassExpectations Packet Information

My child and I have read the Language Arts course packet andhave discussed the expectations of the class.We understand the class requirements, procedures, homework, andgrading.Please return the form andsignatures to Mrs. McCants as soon as possible.

Parent/guardian ~ first and last


Student first and last


I give my permissionfor my child to borrow books from Mrs. McCants’ classroom library.

Vspace software

Parent Signature:____________________________________Date:_____________