
  1. Home Arrow Clever Quotes
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This is hot hot hot story!
Very fresh!
Just occur a few hours ago. haha
Well I decided to post about AbangAlin's engagement first.
BECAUSE its been awhile since I blog events that happens on the day itself.
Due to my busy schedule, I always have basi story to tell! hmph!
So the other stories I'll postpone, ok?
Ok back to the story!!
Well today is my dearest cousin's engagement.
The engagement between AbangFazlin & KakShameem.
Yes, FINALLYAbangAlin has decided to settle down.
I still remember him joking around saying that he'll wait for me to get married
then he gets married.
RIGHTTTTT eh you AbangAlin, You cut queue! haha
Made by Mama.

I reached there around 12.45 and found out that we're only leaving to the girl's side at 2.30pm.
There I was waking up early just to dress up coz Mama said they're leaving at 1plus.
I was like WHATTTTTTT!!!!
Ok well the abundant time was really put to full use actually.
I was made to dress my lil cousins up. Make up & hairdo.
Even 2 of my aunties kepo-kepo. haha
If I get paid 5bucks for each person I dress up just now, I think I made 30bucks!!
Well I did style Mama's & Nani's tudung as well.
I so love to style Nani's tudungcoz the tudung will just sit nicely onto her head.
So so perfect all the time!!
I so wanna be a freelance makeup artist. Can?
In the end, I don't even have the time to eat!
By the time I finished all the 'makandam' tasks, its time to leave already!

AbangAlin with Nani. Nani took care of him since he was a baby till he's in lower secondary.
Nani has been watching him grow into this tall, good looking man.
He's her favorite grand-don't-know-what-rank. haha!
She's his favorite grandaunt.
Above is my close cousin, Wrightie Isabella.
Scratch your head all you want.
I know its not easy to pronounce her name.
Its pronounced as 'write-thia'.
She's a year younger than me.
Below is us with her elder brother, Zamir.
He's 24 this year.
They're one of my most intelligent & hardworking cousins.
Its been a long long long time since I met them.
So we did some catching up.

Well, there were Homealot of people attending the event.
Seriously, ALOT.
Many of us wanna go over to the girls side too.
Approximately, 40 people?
Its been told that the bus is big.
But then when we went down to the carpark, a minibus is there waiting for us.
So imagine 40 people squeezing into a 20 seater minibus? IMAGINE!
In the end some of us didn't went & some took their own transport.
Nani, Norsiah & me tompangAbangHisham'sMPV.
Lucky there's alot of empty seat there.
I won't wanna miss the engagement seh!

In the MPV.
We were the last to reach the girl's place.
Apparently AbangHishamgatal & took the expressway when there's a shorter route there.
Everyone was waiting for us at the void deck.
PerasaanVIPsikitlah we all kan.haha
Well, KakShameem place is a cosy 3 room flat.
Its kinddasqueezycoz we came in a huge group!
We're in her place like packs of sardines!!!
When I entered her place I headed straight for her room coz I wanna 'chop' place.
So that later when the wearing of the ring takes place, I'll get a perfect spot.
Call me kiasu all you want, I don't care.
Its the priceless moments I wanna capture & make it into memories.

While they were discussing about the dowry, the engagement contract, blabla, I took pictures.
Well, call me kiasu again, again I don't care.
Usually, pictures are taken after the 'ring wearing' takes place.
I don't wanna struggle for my turn later on cozHome arrow clever game like I mentioned, we came in a huge group.
So imagine later lah I gotta wait so long just to take picture.
While waiting for the discussion to end, I look outta the room over to the men.
Apparently, I saw this SUPER HOT GUY!!!
He's just opposite me, on the other side of the living room.
The moment I saw him I was like 'OMG'
He's so so good looking!
So cute! So handsome!
He has sharp features!
His look is so mixed blood!
So my type of guy, physically!!
I like it when guys wear eyeliners. HE DID!
HIS SMILE..... MELTING me I tell you!!!
I tend to fall for guys will CHARMING smile.
Its just my weakness, you see.
Guess what I did?
I took out my HP and SNAP SNAP!!!
I'm like a PAPARAZZI that moment, seriously.
Well the picture were not that clear coz I was using my HP.
Stupid camera of mine was on low battery!

He looks like Rio Ferdinand, somehow.
I'm not alone, AbangAlin agrees with me.

Found out that he's AbangAlin'ssoccer mate.
He's a freelance model!!
Apparently, he was the one who approached my lil bro to be a freelance model.
What a small world, ay?
I'll get to see more of him when he wedding comes! haha
well, maybe he's attached.
but who cares, its just a crush man.

Here's the video I managed to take.
Nani was the 'ring wearer'
If you realise, ImanHaziq went to salamKakShameem after she salam Nani.
Adorable mangkok he.

Home Arrow Clever Quotes

Yes, you must be wondering why is Nani's face so cramp.
She was sad actually.
There's tears of joy in her eyes.
There was practically some 'showers' in the room.
Understand understood eh?

Tha ring.
AbangChoy's girlfriend.
Yes the one whoose 18 years.
Went back to AbangAlin's place.
Then I got the chance to eat!!
Heard that the food over at KakShameem's place were fantastic.
I didn't manage to eat there coz the living room was like
So I don't wanna squeeze in.
AbangZamir sneaked off to AbangAlin's room to play PS3.

A great day today.

Home Arrow Clever Book

A fun day today.
A memorable day today.
What a day.

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Don't let your heart fool you mind.
And don't let your mind fully conquer your heart.

So near yet so far.

Oh well off to bed now.
I'm having a terrible flu!!!

'For NOBODY Knows Who She Really Is.
8:47 PM